Not pursuing your dream because it is not realistic? Tell me what is realistic then, whether anyone else has achieved it?
It is your dream, something you are connected to. It’s something you care about. Isn’t that enough to go about it? Why do you need proof that someone has done it before you?
Even if you try, how can you be so sure no one else has achieved it? Do you know of all the struggles and successes and stories out there? Have you read all the research papers and accounts of all people who have tried it ? Do you know all the reasons they have failed and succeeded?
May be no one else with your background and skill set has? Is that it, that you are not good enough? Others are born with certain luxuries that you don’t have to chase your dreams? So you are gonna give up something because you are not “born” for it? If you are not “born” for it, how did you even have the dream?
If nature did not want you to pursue, why does it even put that thought in your mind in the first place? Does nature ask you to jump from the 10th floor to try flying, everyday? Why would nature ask you of anything, if you are not capable of it?
Impossibility is a perception. And so is possibility.
It’s time you choose your own perception.
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I am a story teller obsessed with human behavior, technology, and future.
I don different hats — Product Builder, Growth Strategist, Consumer Researcher, Speaker.
You can reach me here or on twitter for help with building products, growth strategies, sharing stories and creating value.