Those long hours. Those constant pushing and pulling. Those last minute heavy lifting.
Hard work has become synonymous with time and effort. You have a 8 hour work schedule, you work beyond that, you have worked hard. You have a baseline for effort at your work place, you go beyond it, you have worked hard.
Hard work is still worn as a badge of honor in many companies. Just look at how many people proudly proclaim 80 hour, 90 hour weeks on their social networks. It is even portrayed as the “differentiating” factor between success and failure.
Of course, I can’t fail after putting 100 hour weeks for years now, can I ?
Our definition of hard work is still in the industrial era. What if “working hard” is no longer restricted just to the time dimension?
When was the last time you believed in something so hard that you put in all your time on it?
When was the last time you imagined hard to think of possibilities no one talks about in your field?
When was the last time you drained yourself out to convince your customers to care about your product?
When was the last time you had conviction on something that is still not on trend, something that no one else seems to care about?
When was the last time you believed in something more than what reality , the world tells you to believe in?
Fighting demons every day, to push through, to go forward, to progress even by an inch.
Imagining the world with numerous possibilities and trying to bring it live.
Believing in something more than the reasons world gives you.
Innovating at every level — big or small, to keep it going, to find your own perspective, to take on problems at a different angle and keeping at it.
Hard work has long moved to Cognitive level. Some people call it smart work. Smart or not, its still hard.
It is hard to chase your dreams when the whole world mocks at you.
It is hard to look at that one single positive thing in the haystack of negatives.
It is hard to see cracks as crevices that you can use to climb the mountain of life.
You needed to have strong body for the hard work of the last century. You need to have a strong mind for the hard work of this century and the next.
So what is that you are proud of today — the hours you spent at work or the fight you gave the demons?
If you can relate to this story, please do comment. Together we can make the world a better place.
I am a story teller obsessed with human behavior, technology, and future.
I don different hats — Product Builder, Growth Strategist, Consumer Researcher, Speaker.
You can reach me here or on twitter for help with building products, growth strategies, sharing stories and creating value.